1/Cool stuff from Oracle (Developer Day VM related)
2/Showing off your Developer Day VM to remote users (one method only requiring ssh).
3/Do not 'yum update' 2017 Developer Day VM
If your networking firewall etc are out of your control port 22 (ssh) probably still works.
For other people to access your VM for test / development purposes you can (obviously but I had forgotten) ssh port forwarding (for 9090 8080 8081 or 1521) - requires ssh login to host machine, for example for 1521:
Note the default is to keep the ssh login open (might have to if all else fails kill it to stop it).
2/Showing off your Developer Day VM to remote users (one method only requiring ssh).
3/Do not 'yum update' 2017 Developer Day VM
1/Cool stuff from Oracle (Developer Day VM related)
Any trouble getting these working on your VM let me know.
datamodeler- (unzip and go)
jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz (or later) (unzip in ~/java [might need to remove existing java in that directory] and go, check ~/.bashrc)
sqlcl- - include REST JDBC http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developertools/rest-data-services/downloads/index.html - unzip and go
sqldeveloper- - unzip and go
apex_5.1.4.zip (lower version already installed)
ords. (lower version already installed - but both can run on different ports/pdbs)
- one line admin change to be REST SQL (and REST JDBC server) note no longer prompts for sys user. (Would only have trouble running old and new if existing ORDS is installed on the CDB rather than pdb, which is not the case) existing ords.sh should work (for start stop) (put in full path to new war) - initial configure/install will change.
2/Showing off your Developer Day VM to remote users (one method only requiring ssh).
For other people to access your VM for test / development purposes you can (obviously but I had forgotten) ssh port forwarding (for 9090 8080 8081 or 1521) - requires ssh login to host machine, for example for 1521:
Note the default is to keep the ssh login open (might have to if all else fails kill it to stop it).
1 ssh
required (no sqlplus required) (login and password on host required)
in to host (desktop hosts IP my change)
ssh -p 22 user@___the_ip_address__
[need password for user]
-p 2222 oracle@localhost
. oraenv -- ie setup oracle environment
orcl12c -- the default environment may have several
>sql system/oracle
2: ssh
required (sqlcl required) (login and password on host required)
ADVANCE] ssh -L 1521:localhost:1521 user@__the_ip_address__
[need password for user]
On your
own machine using sqlcl sqlplus sqldeveloper etc locally and your local 1521 port: (port forward from a different port if that is in use)
sql system/oracle@localhost:1521/orcl
3/Do not 'yum update' 2017 Developer Day VM
Warning do not 'yum update' a 2017 developer day VM (if you do you will upgrade to Oracle Linux 7.4 and you guest desktop will not resize by mouse action (you can still resize by command line))