Thursday, 5 May 2016

Developer day VM Updated: 4/25/2016 Errata

Download 'Developer Days VM' : including patched

Use case:
Developer - VM on their machine with recent Oracle software, with no non VM install deinstall setup issues..
Testing (i.e. non production) use, no non VM install deinstall setup issues...

Update 25 August: enabled ORDS/Rest enabled table (hrrest.employees) :
    (Thought this was in the readme)

Shipped with second pdb[1] for from scratch ORDS setup if you want.
Bump up cpus/Ram
- absolute minimum/default (but slow)1 cpu 2Gig RAM,
-(fast enough but impacts basic host machine (i5/8Gb))2cpu 3Gig RAM

New in this release small bump in versions of (especially) ORDS and sqlcl.[4]
Better setup of ORDS by default (url for select from an example table enabled)
Reset does not cover initial ORDS.
Drop pdb[2]/create pdb[3] and reset up ORDS from the labs if you want to rebuild ORDS configuration.

Absolutely tiny:
No fancy virtualbox options documented especially for this VM - out of the box: port forward from host to guest.
Built with virtualbox 5.0.0 (and extras 5.0.0)
Last Linux 'yum update' about 1 March (might need proxy in yum.conf) - if you update the kernel you will need to reinstall virtualbox  extras to get a better UI integration guest to host.
~/ called on gnome login to set screen size and pop up terminal.
APEX is too slow the first time - after that it succeeds OK.
To reset firefox (eg to clear history) try:
     __log out/exit from firefox__ then cd ~; rm -rf ~/.mozilla ; unzip takes an argument path/to/the/war - so it knows which one to start/stop/ ps -ef| grep for

[1]pdb -> Oracle Multitenant - big new feature in 12 - few extra resources (besides 1.5Gig disk disk) for pdb which appears to the user (with a few restrictions to DBA operations) a new database. I was thinking the VM might host many PDBs
- pdb per developer in the group?
- pdb per software version/product?
- create pdb automatically on demand?(2 minutes)
- Have one spare PDB available so requester does not have to wait 2 mins? (Have a function that returns service name of pdb to use so prebuilt pdb does not need to be renamed (rather than demanding new pdb by name))
Bump up the [Core database RAM - currently 800meg]i.e. SGA/Add Extra Virtual Disk if you are going over 6 VMs...

[2] To drop PDB named SCRATCHT (initially pdb named ORDS is pretty blank - just 'hr' schema)

[3] To create PDB (THE_NAME if not entered defaults to pdb name "ORDS" - if there is an "ORDS" pdb already it errors out).

createnewpdb THE_NAME
[type y enter to confirm details]
creates pdb (including users tablespace)
creates HR schema, create tnsnames.ora entry,
Ensures pdb is open by default
Ensures passwords do not expire (change this to suit your security requirements)
tests 32k varchar is on (set in seed).

[4]sqlcl is undergoing continuous development/updates - any problems confirm first on latest download from:
(it is less than 20 meg download).