Wednesday, 18 September 2019

LDAP SQLDeveloper new paging requirement

Currently OID is the target LDAP provider

Paging access (added 6 months ago) so that over 1000 entries will not get truncated seems to be causing problems on unpatched OID11 - though I tested it against patched OID 11 and OID 12 .

I have been asking people with issues to contact support - if the issue is prioritised I may get a broken setup to test against. If I sense a paging error for example - I could try a non paged version (getting large number of results truncated is better than no results).

Some guy managed to get OUD working by allowing paging (Third party link removed)

Note that
1/ you can supply context in ldap.ora
2/ you can give exact match in the dbservice combo box (and download the single connection details without searching for all services in a context)

I was hoping this might help for LDAPs that do not allow root searching (ODSEE?) (or do not have paged access)

These LDAP considerations apply to the SQLDeveleoper specific LDAP UI for searching for entries - you could always use the advanced URL for LDAP (thick and thin have different syntax).

Also 6 months ago we fixed:
Kerberos Active Directory default login ticket support on windows (give cache as blank i.e. "" (without the quotes)) - was tested with a configuration file with thin jdbc . (You could have, and still can, use thick kerberos and sqlnet.ora configuration)

Friday, 21 June 2019

19.3 database 19.1 dbtools software releases

VM download page:

Dropped json and xml labs

Virtualbox 6.0.8

sqldeveloper fails 10% of the time workaround: turn off splash page

Sometime too small (mac retinal screen) magnify by: machine -> settings -> display -> scale factor

Performs ok with 3G RAM & 2 CPUS - 2G RAM and 1CPU - bare minimum (swaps).

Old release blog

Let me know any issues.

Friday, 17 May 2019

kerberos native non file based connection cache in windows (from 18.4)

From SQLDeveloper 18.4 kerberos works on windows with thin driver and  Active Directory Kerberos and using "native credential cache” configured by not entering a file cache name.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

LDAP - User report no context shown

Hi user

18.2 required an ldap.ora (by mistake on my part).
(you can specify a default context in ldap.ora)

I tried the following:
Windows (2012) 19.1 against oid12  - success without ldap.ora
Mac 19.1 against oid12 - success. (with or without ldap.ora) (the ldap search screens are pure java - not affected by oracle client etc - emulation of ldap.ora support).

Useful for the user to know.
It does not tell you anything if you got the host or port wrong (it is as you report no context shown - please check your host and port are valid - and there Is nothing in the way (firewall) - you could use a previous 'known working' SQLDeveloper version on the same windows machine/user)
Press enter after entering the ldap server to get Context populated.

Load to fill the service entries list (double click from pull down (or type in) to select a service) (What is typed in narrows selection).

Changes in this release:
Performance fix around aliases
Load in pages (i.e. can load in pages over the default 1000 entries). (Loads in pages of 499 - could conflict with old configuration)
Tries subtree, peer and exact search. (uses first one that does not error out/returns data)

Useful for the oid admin to know:
There are two very similar setting one of them is now required, here is one of them

SQLDeveloper team.

Friday, 3 May 2019

ldap - ldap.ora for host and context

ldap - ldap.ora for host and context

combobox - type in - no search required - i.e. no tree search required. (One customer said they could do without search if that was the issue stopping ODS from working)

Friday, 1 March 2019

SQLDeveloper 18.4 active directory 'kerberos' login using not file based ticket should work

SQLDeveloper 18.4 active directory 'kerberos' login using not file based ticket should work - i.e. ticket cache name not forced to be a string/file -> one of the defaults tried is internal cache