Thursday, 23 January 2020

LDAP and Kerberos

LDAP web ui (OID12 + OUD latest tested - interested in reports of anything else working not working - but we do not have it in house)
19.? - paging used for ldap ui search - broke unpatched OID11 (tested successfully with OID12) - required configuration OUD
19.4 - on specific exception on paging try non paged (tested successfully OID12 and OUD (latest - with only anonymous bind configuration))
Active directory not tested (that was actually where the paging request came in) (not tested)
(Huge performance improvement on lots of aliases on loading dbservice (alias became lazily evaluated))

(Advanced URL based thick or thin LDAP works - I think thick ldap by 'dbservice name' (forgot the name in the ui) outside LDAP web lookup might be OK - certainly full LDAP url ok - but different syntax for thick and thin).

KERBEROS (Linux/MIT Kerberos tested easy enough - Active directory Kerberos ticket tested fairly recently) - thick JDBC should work 'like sqlplus'.
18.4 Kerberos - tested with credential cache blank 'Active directory Kerberos ticket' on windows -> means try native (regedit change required). I have rough notes from testing on this configuration.

Friday, 3 January 2020

SQL Developer 19.4 Datapump wizard, now with encryption of data files.

SQL Developer 19.4 Datapump wizard, now with encryption of data files. 
(Underlying PLSQL API had encryption option since Oracle Database 11gr1)