Monday, 3 April 2017

Kerberos and SQLDeveloper (without Oracle Client)

Hi Kerberos users,

#1/Confirm your configuration with sqlplus.
If sqlplus works -> with Oracle Client should work.

If you do not want to use Oracle Client:
The non Oracle Client route is a different 'pure java' code path - no sqlnet.ora configuration.

#2/Cache - needs to be blank or point to a file ie not OSMFT If blank password is prompted for (nearly) each time.
#3/ jce may be required for some common authentication/encryption algorithms.

#4/Oracle Kerberos connection code is available at:

#5/There is a way of tracing thin - it is documented somewhere - never used it myself (as I have access to debugging into the code) - could not find it with a few searches - from memory it involves a Man[person/process]In The Middle technique.
Old style 'C' tracing (set on the server/listener side) may be of some use.

#6/I wrote up this:
However it was more for the text of what sql command failed rather than for connection issues.

Thank you for your time,
Turloch O'Tierney

-SQLDeveloper Team

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